index - Equipe Communications numériques


Dernières publications

Mots clés

Direct detection Encoding Communications optiques Source coding Downlink Compute-and-forward DVB-T2 Cyclostationarity Broadcast channel Dynamical systems Optical fibers Side-channel analysis Message blinding Reliability Distributed hypothesis testing Evaluation methodology Massive MIMO Loi de Fitts Computational modeling Coordination Adaptive optics Few-mode fibers Caching Jensen's inequality Expected-rate constraints Entropy power inequality Anisoplanatism Decoding Information theory Channel capacity Channel coding Machine learning Codes Large random matrices Mutual information Multi-hop Energy harvesting Fitts’ law Placement delivery array Distributed computing Multiplexing Statistics Joint source-channel coding Feedback Scheduling Empirical distribution of the eigenvalues MapReduce Gaussian noise Optimization Resource allocation Pointing Cognitive radio Throughput Interference management Kolmogorov-Smirnov Analysis KSA Infrared communication Fading channels Broadcasting Estimation Confusion coefficient Differential entropy Information Theory Lattices Aggregation order Distributed estimation Intrusion detection Mathematical models in psychology Entropy Variable-length coding Optical communication MIMO Detection Storage Deep learning Error exponent Fiber design and fabrication Capacity Optique adaptative Bessel kernel Neural networks Communication Speed-accuracy tradeoff Error exponents Sensors Hypothesis testing Masking Decision centers Deep Learning Extra-reduction leakage Coherent detection Central Limit Theorem Fitts' law Energy consumption Apprentissage profond Block codes Joint cache-channel coding Expected rate constraints Fiber optics communications Protocols Interference


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59 %
