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Florence Dupin de Saint-Cyr, Anne-Gwenn Bosser, Benjamin Callac, Eric Maisel. What killed the cat? Towards a logical formalization of curiosity (and suspense, and surprise) in narratives. 31st International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME 2024), Oct 2024, Montpellier, France. pp.10:1-10:16, ⟨10.4230/LIPIcs.TIME.2024.10⟩. ⟨hal-04731383⟩
Léo Saulières, Martin Cooper, Florence Dupin de Saint-Cyr. Backward explanations via redefinition of predicates. 27th European Conference on Artifical Intelligence (ECAI 2024), European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EurAI); Spanish Artificial Intelligence Society (AEPIA), Oct 2024, Saint Jacques De Compostelle, Spain. à paraître. ⟨hal-04669413v2⟩
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