Efficient Separation Between Projected Patterns for Multiple Projector 3D People Scanning
Structured light 3D surface scanners are usually comprised of one projector and of one camera which provide a limited view of the object's surface. Multiple projectors and cameras must be used to reconstruct the whole surface profile. Using multiple projectors in structured light profilometry is a challenging problem due to inter-projector interferences which make pattern separation difficult. We propose the use of sinusoidal fringe patterns where each projector has its own specifically chosen set of temporal phase shifts which together comprise a DFT 2P +1 basis, where P is the number of projectors. Such a choice enables simple and efficient separation between projected patterns. The proposed method does not impose a limit on the number of projectors used and does not impose a limit on the projector placement. We demonstrate the applicability of the proposed method on three projectors and six cameras structured light system for human body scanning.
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Petkovic2017_Efficient_Separation_between_Projected_Patterns_for_Multiple_Projector_3D_People_Scanning.pdf (2.87 Mo)
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