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The National Cosmogenic Nuclides Laboratory (LN2C in french) is a structure dedicated to the use of cosmogenic nuclides in Earth Sciences, notably via the preparation of samples and the measurements of cosmogenic isotopes. Its mission is to provide an effective access to this methodology to the French scientific community, for research projects in the following fields: natural hazards and risks, linked for example to earthquakes or landslides past climate change, for example with the dating of markers associated to glaciations landscape dynamics and the determination of current and past denudation rates dating of archaeological sites and objects. investigation of the magnetic field evolution over time The LN2C consists of a set of laboratories allowing the purification and preparation of different types of sample (rocks, soils, water, etc.) as well as the measurement of different isotopic ratios (10Be/9Be, 26Al/27Al, 36Cl/35Cl, ...) by the national 5MV AMS (Accelerator Mass Spectrometer) facility ASTER. The LN2C regroups faculty members, research scientists, engineers and technicians from Aix Marseille University, CNRS and IRD. The LN2C was founded by Didier Bourlès (AMU Professor), and is hosted by CEREGE on the Technopôle de l'Arbois domain in Aix-en-Provence since 2006.

The installation of the ASTER instrument was possible due to an initial investment by the Bouches du Rhône General Council, the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), CNRS, IRD and the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region council. The LN2C is a technological platform of Aix-Marseille University and is part of the REGEF network. Its operation is supported by a recurring endowment from CNRS and IRD. The LN2C benefited from the Investments for the Future Program via EQUIPEX ASTER-CEREGE, which notably enabled the installation of a high energy source for ASTER.

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Holocene Cosmogenic burial dating Beryllium 10 Pyrenees Beryllium-10 Cosmogenic radionuclides Brazil Central Western Andes Authigenic 10Be/9Be ratio Denudation Kerguelen Weathering CRE 36Cl dating Cosmic-ray exposure dating Lake sediment Fault scarps Landscape Organic matter Cosmonuclide Monsoon Bhutan Incision rates Helium-3 Late Pleistocene glaciation Terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides TCN Moraines Nucléides cosmogéniques Central Pyrenees 21Ne French Alps Cosmogenic exposure dating Gabon Paleomagnetism Late Pleistocene Erosion rates Rock glacier Lava flows Alluvial deposits Datations cosmogéniques Pleistocene Landscape evolution Cosmogenic nuclides 26Al Mediterranea Calibration Cantal Cosmic-Ray Exposure dating Palaeoclimates Paleoclimate Hillslopes 10Be 10 Be cosmic-ray exposure dating Cosmogenic 10Be Coral reef terrace Burial dating Cosmogenic Panoply Denudation rate Cosmogenic isotopes 10Be cosmogenic nuclide Himalaya Neogene Cosmic ray exposure dating Erosion Lateglacial Aubrac Antarctic Cold Reversal Cosmogenic nuclide Cave deposits Dating Beryllium Accelerator mass spectrometry Chlorine-36 Luminescence dating Moraine Chiba composite section Climate Massif Central GSSP stratotype Glacial geomorphology Glacier fluctuations Production rate Optically stimulated luminescence Geomorphology Little Ice Age Fluorescence Radiocarbon Glaciation Deglaciation 3He Denudation rates Active tectonics Fluvial incision Mongolia Cosmogenic dating Active fault Quaternary Late Glacial Cosmogenic nuclide dating Laschamp excursion



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