Welcome to the HAL - PHELIQS interface

The Quantum Photonics, Electronics and Engineering Laboratory (PHELIQS) is a joint research unit of CEA, the Université Grenoble Alpes and Grenoble INP Institut d'ingénierie et de management. As of October 2024, PHELIQS has a permanent staff of 54 people (37 researchers, 16 technicians and research engineers, and 1 administrative assistant) and hosts 21 PhD students and 7 postdoctoral researchers.

PHELIQS is a fundamental research laboratory with activities in the fields of nanophysics and condensed matter physics, with potential mid or long-term application prospects for information and communication technologies. Our goal is to understand and master the unique physical effects (in most cases of quantum origin) that appear in nanoscale solid-state systems and in quantum materials, both experimentally and theoretically.

The scientific activities of PHELIQS are based on a solid know-how of instrumentation and methods for the synthesis of innovative bulk materials (mainly crystals) and nanostructures (semiconductor nanowires and quantum dots, monolayers of graphene, high-mobility germanium heterostructures, and other two-dimensional materials), as well as access to advance cleanroom technology for device fabrication. We have developed customized high-performance instrumentation for physical measurements under extreme conditions (low temperature down to 10 mK, large magnetic field, high pressure) or requiring ultra-high sensitivity (optical studies at the single photon level, scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy, RF manipulation with arbitrary waves generation and reflectometry readout at the single shot level). PHELIQS also builds upon its strong theoretical expertise in condensed matter physics (superconductivity, magnetism, strongly correlated electron systems) as well as in quantum and mesoscopic physics, and is at the forefront of the development of new codes for “computer assisted” theory in quantum condensed matter physics.

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