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A. Colléony, L. Martin, N. Misdariis, S. Clayton, M. S. Jalme et al., Exoticism as a Mediator of Everyday Experiences of Nature: an Anthropological Exploration of Soundscape in Zoos, Human Ecology, vol.6, issue.4 Suppl 1, pp.673-682, 2017.
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B. Appendix, List of locations of selected excerpts against selection criteria, per participant (ID) MJP: Menagerie of Jardin des Plantes

A. Colléony, L. Martin, N. Misdariis, S. Clayton, M. S. Jalme et al., Exoticism as a Mediator of Everyday Experiences of Nature: an Anthropological Exploration of Soundscape in Zoos, Human Ecology, vol.6, issue.4 Suppl 1, pp.673-682, 2017.
DOI : 10.1215/22011919-3615898