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/. Genoscope and . Labgem, , 91057.

, Institut Pasteur Genomics Platform Biomics

, Instituto Español de Oceanografía

, Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas (CSIC)

, Correspondence should be addressed to F.P. (email: frederic.partensky@sb-roscoff.fr) Supplementary information : Supplementary Figures S1 to S5 (Supplementary Tables S1 and S2 are provided as separate, p.450

, Peak 5: RT=28.4 (Unid. carotenoid) 350 450, pp.650-750

P. ,

, Peak, vol.83

, RT=22.5 (Unid. carotenoid), p.350

, Wavelength (nm)

, Absorbance

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