, Lamprophiidae: Lamprophis fuliginosus (MNHN 1994.8111) completely everted and filled, scale bar = 5 mm; Chamaelycus fasciatum (BMNH 1909.4.29.2-3) completely everted and filled, scale bar = 2 mm; Lycodonomorphus rufulus (AMNH 140283) completely everted and filled, scale bar = 5 mm. Figure M, Lamprophiidae: Lycophidion semicinctus (MNHN 1995.3474) completely everted, filled, and dyed with alizarin red; Mehelya capensis (AMNH 73208) completely everted and filled; Pseudoboodon lemniscatus (MNHN 1905.185) completely everted and filled; scale bars = 5 mm. Figure N, Pseudoxyrhophiidae: Dromicodryas bernieri (UMMZ 218166) completely everted and filled, scale bar = 5 mm; Duberria lutrix (AMNH 115639) completely everted, filled, and dyed with alizarin red, scale bar = 3 mm; Alluaudina bellyi (UMMZ 209239) completely everted and filled, scale bar = 2 mm. Figure O, Pseudoxyrhophiidae: Pseudoxyrhopus tritaeniatus (UMMZ 195854) completely everted and filled; Liophidium torquatum (UMMZ 209430) completely everted and filled; scale bars = 5 mm. Figure P, Elapidae: Naja melanoleuca (BMNH 1959.1.7.69) completely everted and filled; Micrurus frontalis (IBSP 44331) completely everted and filled; scale bars = 5 mm. Figure Q, Elapidae: Austrelaps superbus (BMNH 1926.12.25.113) completely everted and filled; Bungarus candidus (BMNH 1937.11) completely everted and filled, Cyclocoridae: Cyclocorus lineatus (MNHN 1900.411) opened through a longitudinal slit, spread flat, and dyed with alizarin red, scale bar = 5 mm; Oxyrhabdion modestum (FMNH 68907) completely everted, filled, and dyed with alizarin red, scale bar = 5 mm. Figure L

, Afronatrix anoscopus (AMNH 142404) completely everted, filled, and dyed with alizarin red; scale bars = 2 mm. Figure S, Natricidae: Xenochrophis vittatus (BMNH completely everted and filled; Natriciteres olivacea (AMNH 11905) completely everted and filled; Sinonatrix annularis (AMNH 84530) completely everted, filled, and dyed with alizarin red

, Pseudoxenodontidae: Pseudoxenodon macrops (AMNH 34649) completely everted and filled; Dipsadidae: Conophis pulcher (MNHN 5981) completely everted and filled; scale bars = 5 mm. Figure V, Dipsadidae: Contia tenius (UMMZ 133370) completely everted and filled, scale bar = 2 mm; Urotheca decipiens (KU 103892) completely everted and filled, scale bar = 5 mm. Figure W, Dipsadidae: Oxyrhopus occipitalis (AMNH 129255) completely everted, filled, and dyed with alizarin red; Farancia erythrogramma (KU 197245) completely everted, filled, and dyed with alizarin red. Scale bars = 5 mm. Figure X, Dipsadidae: Tachymenis chilensis (MZUSP 8239) completely everted, filled, and dyed with alizarin red, scale bar = 2 mm; Heterodon nasicus (MNHN 3636) completely everted and filled, scale bar = 5 mm; Philodryas olfersii (IBSP 63455) completely everted, filled, and dyed with alizarin red, scale bar = 5 mm. Figure Y, Sibynophiidae: Sibynophis chinensis (AMNH 34102) completely everted and filled, scale bar = 2 mm

Z. Figure and C. , 26) completely everted and partially filled, scale bar = 5 mm; Calamaria linnaei (AMNH 31943) completely everted and partially filled, scale bar = 1 mm; Oreocalamus hanitschi (BMNH 1929.12.22.106) completely everted and partially filled, scale bar = 5 mm. Figure AA, Grayiidae: Grayia ornata (BMNH completely everted and filled; Colubridae: Pantherophis guttatus (USNM 523605) completely everted and filled; Spilotes sulphureus (IBSP 68260) completely everted and filled. Scale bars = 10 mm. Figure AB, Colubridae: Dispholidus typus (AMNH 23110) completely everted and filled

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