, To base the quality of a manuscript on the Impact Factor of the journal it is published in is nonsense!, 2012: Impact factors, open access, and 125 years of Angewandte Chemie, vol.51, p.9704, 2012.

S. Carenco, C. Wu, A. Shavorskiy, S. Alayoglu, G. A. Somorjai et al., Synthesis and structural evolution of nickel-cobalt nanoparticles under H 2 and CO 2, Small, vol.11, p.3045, 2015.

, In France, the Institute of Chemistry of CNRS recently published a column signaling the dangers of stand-alone short term funding and pointing out the necessity to support blue-sky research: D'une vision scientifique à une vision sociétale, L'Act. Chim, vol.436, p.15, 2019.

A. C. Johnson and J. Sumpter, This concern is shared at all career stages and across disciplines, judging by the number of columns recently published by scientists, Nature, 2019.

C. Woolston, Workplace habits: full-time is full enough, Nature, vol.546, p.175, 2017.

, Plan S" is an example of political intervention in this matter (www.coalition-s.org). Young scientists networks such as the Global Young Academy are wondering about its consequences in the next few years, The rules of scientific publishing are quickly transforming, 2018.

, This point is key, not only for chemistry but for all scientific disciplines. A recent survey report from the Global Young Academy points out the difficulties faced by young scientists worldwide: Friesenhahn I., Beaudry C., The Global State of Young Scientists, Report and Recommendations, 2014.

, Young Academies are willing to contribute through policy advice, science communication and outreach, and capacity building: 3 rd Worldwide Meeting of Young Academies Statement, The role of Young Academies in achieving the UN SDGs, according to the United Nations, 2017.

, Few examples of younger chemists networks: the International Younger Chemists Network (IYCN) is independent and works in strong collaboration with IUPAC; the European Young Chemists Network (EYCN) is the young chemists Division of EuChemS

, For scientists like for artists, creative routines vary from one person to another, but creative work always requires resting and wandering time that are not productive. As an illustration, the following infographics nicely presents the daily routine of famous creative people