, E(X) is irreducible. Morerover, gcd(n, p?1) = 4 divides y, hence four PMNS can be generated from E(X)

, Number of PMNS in the general case In this part, we propose a general method to count the minimum number of PMNS we can reach from a prime p and any irreducible polynomial in Z

, )) mod p can be done, in a reasonable time, in two steps : 1. we compute X p mod E(X) mod p with a square and multiply exponentiation algorithm, and we compute F (X) = X p ? X mod E(X) mod p, 2. then, we evaluate gcd(F (X), E(X)) mod p

, The first step represents at most log(p) squares and multiplications, and the second step represents at most n iterations of the Euclidean algorithm

, E(X) a polynomial of degree n and irreducible in Z[X], and D(X) = gcd(X p ? X, E(X)) mod p

, Polynomial Modular Number Systems (p, n, ? i , ?) E(X)

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