Article Dans Une Revue European Journal of Mineralogy Année : 2020

Laurentthomasite, Mg2K(Be2Al)Si12O30: a new milarite-group-type member from the Ihorombe region, Fianarantsoa Province, Madagascar


Laurentthomasite, ideally Mg2K(Be2Al)Si12O30, is a new milarite-group member found within quartz-syenite pegmatites from the Ihorombe region, Fianarantsoa Province, Madagascar. It occurs as euhedral {0001} hexagonal crystals, maximum 15 mm large and 5 mm thick. The crystals show a very strong dichroism with cobalt blue and green-yellow colours when observed along [0001] and [1000], respectively. The mineral is transparent, uniaxial (+) and its lustre is vitreous. The hardness is about 6 (Mohs scale), showing a poor {0001} cleavage, irregular to conchoidal fracture, and a measured density of 2.67(8) g cm−3. Laurentthomasite is hexagonal, space group P6/mcc (no. 192), with a=9.95343(6) Å, c=14.15583(8) Å, V=1214.54(1) Å3 and Z=2. The strongest nine lines in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern [d in Å – (I) – hkl] are 3.171 – (10) – 211, 4.064 – (8) – 112, 2.732 – (8) – 204, 4.965 – (6) – 110, 2.732 – (4) – 204, 3.533 – (3) – 004, 7.055 – (2) – 002, 4.302 – (2) – 200 and 3.675 – (2) – 202. Chemical analyses by electron microprobe and several spectroscopies (inductively coupled plasma, ICP; optical emission, OES; mass, MS; and Mössbauer) give the following empirical formula based on 30 anions per formula unit: (Mg0.86 Sc0.54 Fe2+0.35 Mn0.26)∑=2.01(K0.89 Na0.05 Y0.02 Ca0.01 Ba0.01)∑=0.98[(Be2.35 Al0.50 Mg0.11 Fe3+0.03)∑=2.99(Si11.90 Al0.10)O30]; the simplified formula is (Mg, Sc)2(K, Na)[(Be, Al, Mg)3(Si, Al)12O30]. The crystal structure was refined to an R index of 1.89 % based on 430 reflections with Io > 2σ(I) collected on a four-circle diffractometer with CuKα radiation. By comparison with the general formula of the milarite group, A2B2C[T(2)3T(1)12O30](H2O) x (0
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Cristiano Ferraris, Isabella Pignatelli, Fernando Camara, Giancarlo Parodi, Sylvain Pont, et al.. Laurentthomasite, Mg2K(Be2Al)Si12O30: a new milarite-group-type member from the Ihorombe region, Fianarantsoa Province, Madagascar. European Journal of Mineralogy, 2020, 32 (3), pp.355 - 365. ⟨10.5194/ejm-32-355-2020⟩. ⟨hal-02895274⟩
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