Article Dans Une Revue PLoS Pathogens Année : 2020

The CH1α domain of mucosal gp41 IgA contributes to antibody specificity and antiviral functions in HIV-1 highly exposed Sero-Negative individuals

Marwa Khamassi
  • Fonction : Auteur
Lin Xu
  • Fonction : Auteur
Julien Rey
  • Fonction : Auteur
  • PersonId : 906787
Maxence Duchemin
  • Fonction : Auteur
Daniela Tudor
  • Fonction : Auteur
Morgane Bomsel


The antibody molecule comprises a variable domain conferring antigen specificity and affinity distinct from the heavy chain constant (CH) domains dictating effector functions. We here interrogate this paradigm by evaluating the unique influence of the CH1α domain on epitope specificity and functions using two mucosal gp41-specific Fab-IgAs (FabA) derived from HIV-1 highly-exposed but persistently seronegative individuals (HESN). These HESN develop selectively affinity-matured HIV-1-specific mucosal IgA that target the gp41 viral envelope and might provide protection although by unclear mechanisms. Isotype-switching FabAs into Fab-IgGs (FabGs) results in a >10-fold loss in affinity for HIV-1 clade A, B, and C gp41, together with reduced neutralization of HIV-1 cross-clade. The FabA conformational epitopes map selectively on gp41 in 6-Helix bundle and pre-fusion conformations crossclade, unlike FabGs. Finally, we designed in silico, a 12 amino-acid peptide recapitulating one FabA conformational epitope that inhibits the FabA binding to gp41 cross-clade and its neutralizing activity. Altogether, our results reveal that the CH1α domain shapes the antibody paratope through an allosteric effect, thereby strengthening the antibody specificity and functional activities. Further, they clarify the mechanisms by which these HESN IgAs might confer protection against HIV-1-sexual acquisition. The IgA-specific epitope we characterized by reverse vaccinology could help designing a mucosal HIV-1 vaccine.
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hal-03125717 , version 1 (29-01-2021)



Marwa Khamassi, Lin Xu, Julien Rey, Maxence Duchemin, Tahar Bouceba, et al.. The CH1α domain of mucosal gp41 IgA contributes to antibody specificity and antiviral functions in HIV-1 highly exposed Sero-Negative individuals. PLoS Pathogens, 2020, 16 (12), pp.e1009103. ⟨10.1371/journal.ppat.1009103⟩. ⟨hal-03125717⟩
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