Article Dans Une Revue Physica Scripta Année : 2024

Stark broadening of Pd II spectral lines


Abstract Stark widths for 47 spectral lines of singly charged palladium ion (Pd II) have been calculated with the help of the modified semiempirical method. The calculations have been performed for an electron density of 10 17 cm −3 and for a temperature range from 5 000 K up to 80 000 K. Employing the obtained results, we investigated the influence of Stark broadening in Pd II spectra of DB and DO white dwarfs as well as A type stars. Moreover, similarities and regularities of Stark widths of Pd II spectral lines within a multiplet, a supermultiplet and a transition array have been discussed.
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hal-04607404 , version 1 (10-06-2024)




Milan S Dimitrijević, Magdalena D Christova. Stark broadening of Pd II spectral lines. Physica Scripta, 2024, pp.065613. ⟨10.1088/1402-4896/ad4e13⟩. ⟨hal-04607404⟩
12 Consultations
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