Surface Tension Calculations for Liquid Metals
We present a class of models for the surface of a liquid metal, which may be part of an electrochemical interface. The particles of the system, for the purpose of derivation of thermodynamic properties, are the charged ion cores, while the energy of the electrons is evaluated using the electron density functional formalism, previously principally applied to solids. An expression for the surface energy Us , defined as the energy required to create unit area of surface by separation of a volume of homogeneous metal into two parts, is derived (Eqs. 18–20). The surface tension γ is obtained by differentiating the Helmholtz free energy with respect to the area of the system, keeping volume and particle number constant (Eqs. 27–37). The surface tension is also equal to the difference between the free energy of the system containing a surface and the free energy of a reference system. It thus defines a surface energy through the Gibbs-Helmholtz equation, and this surface energy is shown to be identical to Us .
The expressions for Us and γ are made explicit (Eqs. 45–57) by insertion of particular assumptions for the ion-density profile, the electron-density profile, the interionic interaction and pair distribution function, and the electronic energy. Only information about bulk liquid metal is used. The parameter in the electron-density profile is obtained by minimizing the surface energy. The simplest assumption for the interionic interaction, hard-sphere and Coulombic repulsions, requires a choice for the hard-sphere diameter, which is made such that the pressure of bulk metals is given correctly (52–55). For the alkali metals, the surface tension calculated from this model is about half the experimental value in each case, while calculated surface energies are too high (1/5 too high for Cs, but three times too high for Li). For the electrical potential difference between the inside and the outside of a metal, and for the electrochemical potential, agreement with experiment is good. The main reason for the disagreements in the other properties is traced to the simple form used for the ion pair distribution function.