Article Dans Une Revue Bulletin du Cancer Année : 2008

[Cost-effectiveness of darbepoetin alpha in an every-3-weeks schedule].


Darbepoetin alfa is an erythropoeisis-stimulating agent that can be given in an every week (QW) or every-3-weeks (Q3W) schedule for the treatment of chemotherapy-induced anemia. We assessed the cost-effectiveness of Q3W darbepoetin alfa compared to QW darbepoetin alfa, from both a health-care and societal perspective in France. Based on a clinical trial design, a decision-tree model with a 16-week time horizon was developed in Excel(R). A probabilistic sensitivity analysis was carried out. The Q3W regimen resulted in lower total costs per patient from the health-care (-180 euro [95 % CI = -461.2;74]) and societal (-243 euro [95 % CI = -588;62]) perspective. Probabilistic sensitivity analysis showed an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio in favor of Q3W treatment from both perspectives. The Q3W schedule is cost saving compare to the QW schedule. It also reduces the burden of the frequent visits for the patients.
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Dates et versions

hal-00597071 , version 1 (31-05-2011)



Isabelle Borget, Christos Chouaid, Nadia Demarteau, Lieven Annemans, Jean-Louis Pujol. [Cost-effectiveness of darbepoetin alpha in an every-3-weeks schedule].. Bulletin du Cancer, 2008, 95 (4), pp.465-73. ⟨10.1684/bdc.2008.0623⟩. ⟨hal-00597071⟩
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