Communication Dans Un Congrès Année : 2013

The DANCe project or how to recycle 15 years of archival wide-field data for kinematic studies


The DANCe (Dynamical Analysis of Nearby ClustErs) project aims at deriving a comprehensive census of the stellar and substellar content of a number of nearby (<1 kpc) young (<500 Myr) associations. Members are identified based on their kinematics properties, ensuring little contamination from background and foreground sources. We show how robust individual proper motions can be computed with a precision better than 1 mas/yr by combining thousands of wide-field images downloaded from public archives and covering more than a decade of observations.
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hal-00758371 , version 1 (07-05-2013)


  • HAL Id : hal-00758371 , version 1


Emmanuel Bertin, Hervé Bouy, Estelle Moraux, Jean-Charles Cuillandre, Jerome Bouvier, et al.. The DANCe project or how to recycle 15 years of archival wide-field data for kinematic studies. International Workshop NAROO-GAIA "A new reduction of old observations in the Gaia era", Paris Observatory, Jun 2012, Paris, France. pp. 167-172. ⟨hal-00758371⟩
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