Communication Dans Un Congrès Année : 2013

Design and measurement of a thin and light absorbing material for space applications


This paper presents the design, realization and measurement of a thin lightweight absorbing material for space applications. Absorber design is based on high impedance surfaces loaded with resistors and known as a resistive high impedance surface (RHIS). The behavior of RHIS is analyzed at normal and oblique incidences for TE and TM polarizations. Prototypes have been realized and measured. Final design has a reflection coefficient less than − 15 dB in S-Band (2-2.3 GHz) at normal incidence and till an angular dispersion of 40 ∘ for waves in TE polarization, and 35 ∘ for waves in TM polarization. Simulation results are validated by measurement.
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Dates et versions

hal-00948111 , version 1 (17-02-2014)


  • HAL Id : hal-00948111 , version 1


Yenni Pinto, Julien Sarrazin, Anne Claire Lepage, Xavier Begaud, Nicolas Capet. Design and measurement of a thin and light absorbing material for space applications. Conference META'13, Mar 2013, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. pp.541 - 545. ⟨hal-00948111⟩
147 Consultations
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