Article Dans Une Revue New Journal of Chemistry Année : 2016

Transport properties of catalyst supports studied by pulsed field gradient (PFG) and 2D exchange (EXSY) NMR spectroscopy


The self-diffusivity of xenon and n-hexane in alumina supports was measured by 129Xe and 1H PFG NMR. The obtained values were used to evaluate the tortuosity of the complex porosity of the aluminas. The pore connectivity was investigated by 129Xe 2D EXSY NMR. The exchange rates of xenon atoms between different pore domains and between the adsorbed and gas phase were determined using a two-site exchange model. The exchange rate together with the diffusivity values allowed evaluating the mean size of the pore domains.
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hal-01331111 , version 1 (13-06-2016)



Erika Weiland, Marie-Anne Springuel-Huet, Andrei Nossov, Flavien Guenneau, Anne-Agathe Quoinneaud, et al.. Transport properties of catalyst supports studied by pulsed field gradient (PFG) and 2D exchange (EXSY) NMR spectroscopy. New Journal of Chemistry, 2016, 40 (5), pp.4447-4454. ⟨10.1039/C5NJ02952J⟩. ⟨hal-01331111⟩
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