Article Dans Une Revue Global Change Biology Année : 2023

Predicting Effects of Multiple Interacting Global Change Drivers across Trophic Levels


Global change encompasses many co-occurring anthropogenic drivers, which can act synergistically or antagonistically on ecological systems. Predicting how different global change drivers simultaneously contribute to observed biodiversity change is a key challenge for ecology and conservation. However, we lack the mechanistic understanding of how multiple global change drivers influence the vital rates of multiple interacting species. We propose that reaction norms, the relationships between a driver and vital rates like growth, mortality, and consumption, provide insights to the underlying mechanisms of community responses to multiple drivers. Understanding how multiple drivers interact to affect demographic rates using a reaction-norm perspective can improve our ability to make predictions of interactions at higher levels of organization-that is, community and food web. Building on the framework of consumer-resource interactions and widely studied thermal performance curves, we illustrate how joint driver impacts can be scaled up from the population to the community level. A simple proof-of-concept model demonstrates how reaction norms of vital rates predict the prevalence of driver interactions at the community level. A literature search suggests that our proposed approach is not yet used in multiple driver research. We outline how realistic response surfaces (i.e., multidimensional reaction norms) can be inferred by parametric and nonparametric approaches. Response surfaces have the potential to strengthen our understanding of how multiple drivers affect communities as well as improve our ability to predict when interactive effects emerge, two of the major challenges of ecology today.
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hal-03986611 , version 1 (09-11-2023)




Sofia J. Van Moorsel, Elisa Thébault, Viktoriia Radchuk, Anita Narwani, Jose M. Montoya, et al.. Predicting Effects of Multiple Interacting Global Change Drivers across Trophic Levels. Global Change Biology, 2023, 29 (5), pp.1223-1238. ⟨10.1111/gcb.16548⟩. ⟨hal-03986611⟩
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