Article Dans Une Revue Journal of Materials Science Année : 1993

Influence of yttrium on microstructure and point defects in α-Al2O3 in relation to oxidation


Although the influence of yttrium on transport properties of α alumina has been the object of many studies, the mechanisms by which this element acts have not yet been elucidated. The method of modification by yttrium of the microstructure of α polycrystalline alumina and the nature of the point defects created by this doping element were studied. The results obtained are discussed in relation to alumina transport properties and especially in relation with the effect of yttrium on the oxidation mechanism of alumina former alloys, taking into account the doping amount.

Dates et versions

hal-04523356 , version 1 (27-03-2024)



M. Loudjani, A. Huntz, Robert Cortès. Influence of yttrium on microstructure and point defects in α-Al2O3 in relation to oxidation. Journal of Materials Science, 1993, 28 (23), pp.6466-6473. ⟨10.1007/BF01352215⟩. ⟨hal-04523356⟩
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