Article Dans Une Revue Statistics in Medicine Année : 1989

Efficiency of the logistic regression and Cox proportional hazards models in longitudinal studies.


Both logistic regression and Cox proportional hazards models are used widely in longitudinal epidemiologic studies for analysing the relationship between several risk factors and a time-related dichotomous event. The two models yield similar estimates of regression coefficients in studies with short follow-up and low incidence of event occurrence. Further, with just one dichotomous covariate and identical censoring times for all subjects, the asymptotic relative efficiency of the two models is very close to 1 unless the duration of follow-up is extended. We generalize this result to several qualitative or quantitative covariates. This was motivated by the analysis of mortality data from a study where all subjects are followed up during the same fixed period without loss except by death. Logistic and Cox models were applied to these data. Similar results were obtained for the two models in shorter periods of follow-up of five years or less, but not in longer periods of ten years or more, where the survival rate was lower.
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Dates et versions

hal-00596533 , version 1 (27-05-2011)


  • HAL Id : hal-00596533 , version 1
  • PUBMED : 2616941


I. Annesi, Thibault Moreau, J. Lellouch. Efficiency of the logistic regression and Cox proportional hazards models in longitudinal studies.. Statistics in Medicine, 1989, 8 (12), pp.1515-21. ⟨hal-00596533⟩
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