Article Dans Une Revue European Respiratory Journal Année : 1989

The relation between snoring and smoking, body mass index, age, alcohol consumption and respiratory symptoms.


Potential risk factors for snoring were studied in a population of 457 middle-aged men. Eversnoring was reported by 60% of the men and snoring with an age of onset before or equal to 20 years by 13%. Eversnoring was significantly related to older age, higher body mass index and smoking habits. Alcohol consumption, estimated by questionnaire and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase was unrelated to a history of snoring. Logistic regression showed that snoring was independently associated with age, body mass index and smoking habits. An exposure-effect relationship clearly appeared between tobacco consumption and snoring. After adjustment for smoking habits, none of the upper or lower respiratory symptoms was significantly related to snoring.
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Dates et versions

hal-00596538 , version 1 (27-05-2011)


  • HAL Id : hal-00596538 , version 1
  • PUBMED : 2570717


F. Kauffmann, I. Annesi, F. Neukirch, M. P. Oryszczyn, A. Alpérovitch. The relation between snoring and smoking, body mass index, age, alcohol consumption and respiratory symptoms.. European Respiratory Journal, 1989, 2 (7), pp.599-603. ⟨hal-00596538⟩
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