Article Dans Une Revue Revue des Maladies Respiratoires Année : 2006

[The evaluation of health care outcomes and hospital performance indicators].

G. Hejblum
  • Fonction : Auteur
B. Guidet
A. J. Valleron
  • Fonction : Auteur


INTRODUCTION: The assessment of the performance of health care establishments has undergone a considerable development over the past 15 years in the United States and to a lesser extent in other developed countries. BACKGROUND: The aim of measurement of performance indicators is to improve the quality of care (outcomes), patient information and the contractual arrangements with purchasers. However, this approach poses numerous methodological problems in the choice of performance indicators as well as the collection and interpretation of data. Specific structural patterns such as social and geographic environment, research and educational assignments, are often inadequately considered. In terms of public health the impact of the publication of these measurements has not been well studied. Based on the data in the literature this revue defines the measures of hospital performance and describes the main studies, their impacts and limitations. VIEWPOINT: It seems likely that the French public authorities will, in the short term, ask health care establishments to undertake this approach. CONCLUSIONS: Complimentary studies are needed to clarify the links between performance indicators and health care outcomes.
Fichier non déposé

Dates et versions

hal-00597155 , version 1 (31-05-2011)


  • HAL Id : hal-00597155 , version 1
  • PUBMED : 17057634


C. Chouaid, G. Hejblum, B. Guidet, A. J. Valleron. [The evaluation of health care outcomes and hospital performance indicators].. Revue des Maladies Respiratoires, 2006, 23 (4 Suppl), pp.13S87-98; quiz 13S158, 13S159. ⟨hal-00597155⟩
30 Consultations
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