Article Dans Une Revue Progress In Electromagnetics Research B Année : 2011

Theoretical and Experimental Evaluation of Superstrate Effect on Rectangular Patch Resonator Parameters


In this paper, modeling and experimentation of a Rectangular Patch Resonator (RPR) covered with a dielectric superstrate are investigated. The RPR criteria are established theoretically and experimentally, to be used in future prospects as an electromagnetic (EM) sensor for the characterization of superstrates. The theoretical model is based on the moment method (MoM) via Galerkin's approach, in which three types of basis and testing functions are used. These functions as well as the spectral dyadic Green function are efficiently implanted with compact structured Fortran 90 codes. The EM commercial HFSS and CST Microwave Studio softwares are used to simulate the proposed RPR prototypes. The accuracy of the obtained results is assessed using four prototypes of RPRs operating around 6 GHz, taking into account only the resonant frequency of the fundamental dominant mode. The theoretical model is compared to simulation and measurement results, and very good agreements are observed.



Dates et versions

hal-00618058 , version 1 (31-08-2011)



Nabila Aouabdia, Nour-Eddine Belhadj-Tahar, Georges Alquié, Fatiha Benabdelaziz. Theoretical and Experimental Evaluation of Superstrate Effect on Rectangular Patch Resonator Parameters. Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, 2011, 32, pp.129 - 147. ⟨10.2528/PIERB11052610⟩. ⟨hal-00618058⟩
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