Communication Dans Un Congrès Année : 2010

Programmation Orientée Émotion (EOP)

Kévin Darty
Nicolas Sabouret


Some current algorithmic problems are facing a multitude of states, often due to a dynamic environment. The human being's approach to such problems consists of using emotions which increase his reactivity and help him in his decisions. We put forward an algorithmic problem solving method using a modelling of the human emotional system aiming at improving the resolution's reactivity and performance.
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hal-00634799 , version 1 (23-10-2011)


  • HAL Id : hal-00634799 , version 1


Kévin Darty, Nicolas Sabouret. Programmation Orientée Émotion (EOP). Quatrième Workshop sur les Agents Conversationnels Animés, Nov 2010, Lille, France. pp.23-30. ⟨hal-00634799⟩
136 Consultations
79 Téléchargements

