Article Dans Une Revue Journal of The Electrochemical Society Année : 2012

Effect of Anodizing Potential on the Formation and EIS Characteristics of TiO2 Nanotube Arrays


In the present work, well ordered arrays of TiO2 nanotubes were obtained by anodization at different voltages of Ti foil in a solution containing anhydrous ethylene glycol + 0.27 M NH4F and 0.2 wt% water. A detailed study has been performed to evaluate the morphology and electrochemical characteristics of the anodized Ti foil synthesized in different anodization potentials. Correlation between the physical properties and the dimensional aspect of TiO2 nanotubes was examined. In this paper, we report the electrochemical characteristics of the Ti/TiO2 nanotube surfaces from Tafel plots. The electronic properties of TiO2 nanotubular layers were also determined by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy analysis (EIS). EIS is considered to be a valuable tool that allows determining barrier oxide parameters. A linear dependence of barrier thickness on the anodizing voltage was verified from 20 to 50V, the proportionality constant of the barrier layer thickness in relation to the applied anodizing voltage was estimated from the proposed equivalent circuit.


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Dates et versions

hal-00785614 , version 1 (06-02-2013)



S. Ait Ali Yahia, L. Hamadou, A. Kadri, N. Benbrahim, Eliane Sutter. Effect of Anodizing Potential on the Formation and EIS Characteristics of TiO2 Nanotube Arrays. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2012, 159 (4), pp.K83-K92. ⟨10.1149/2.077204jes⟩. ⟨hal-00785614⟩
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