Article Dans Une Revue Communications of the ACM Année : 2012

Measuring Home Broadband Performance


We present the results from the first study of Internet access link performance measured directly from home routers. In conjunction with the Federal Communication Commission's study of broadband Internet access in the United States, we investigate the throughput and latency of network access links from about 4,000 routers across eight ISPs. Our findings provide a snapshot of access network performance across the United States, offer insights on how access network performance should be measured and presented to users, and inform various ongoing efforts to evaluate the performance of access networks around the world.
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hal-00835036 , version 1 (17-06-2013)


  • HAL Id : hal-00835036 , version 1


Srikanth Sundaresan, Walter de Donato, Nick Feamster, Renata Teixeira, Sam Crawford, et al.. Measuring Home Broadband Performance. Communications of the ACM, 2012, 55 (11), pp.100-109. ⟨hal-00835036⟩
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