Article Dans Une Revue Journal of Life Sciences Année : 2011

The International Research Group in Geophysics Europe Africa: A Laboratory without Borders in the Earth Science and Environment


It was in 1995 that, at the end of the international project IEEY (International Equatorial Electrojet Year), African and European scientists decided to create the IRGGEA (International Group in Geophysics Europe Africa) in order to pursue the scientific work started during the IEEY project. The main objective of IRGGEA was to introduce new fields of research in Africa and built teams of African scientists recognized at an international level in these new fields. To reach this goal, we developed days after days methods to manage smoothly a large network of scientists from developed and developing countries. After a short introduction on the field of research developed in the IRGGEA, we present the organization of the work based on sharing practices and the results obtained in terms of scientific publications and socio-cultural aspects as the increase of the number of women and positions for students in their countries. Such an experience is easy to reproduce.
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hal-00966372 , version 1 (01-04-2014)


  • HAL Id : hal-00966372 , version 1


Christine Amory-Mazaudier. The International Research Group in Geophysics Europe Africa: A Laboratory without Borders in the Earth Science and Environment. Journal of Life Sciences, 2011, pp.335-341. ⟨hal-00966372⟩
355 Consultations
144 Téléchargements

