Article Dans Une Revue Advances in Space Research Année : 2015

Signatures of solar event at middle and low latitudes in the Europe-African sector, during geomagnetic storms, October 2013


This paper presents the variability of the total electron content, VTEC, the ROTI index (proxy of the scintillation index) and the transient variations of the Earth's magnetic field associated to the impacts of solar events during October 2013. The observations are from middle and low latitudes in European African longitude sector. During October 2013, there are four solar events reaching the Earth. The two first events, on October 2 and October 8 are CME, the third event on October 14, is a jet of fast solar wind flowing from a solar coronal hole, and the last event on October 30 is a slow solar wind with southward excursions of the Bz component of the Interplanetary magnetic field, associated to CME passing near the Earth. For the four events, the variation of VTEC at middle latitudes is the same and presents an increase of VTEC at the time of the impact followed by a decrease of VTEC, lasting one or several days. At low latitudes, no clear common pattern for all the events appears. For the four events the variation of the ROTI index over Africa is different showing the asymmetry between West and East Africa. For the first event, on October 2, the scintillations are not inhibited, for the second and the fourth events on October 8 and 30, the scintillations are inhibited on East Africa and for the third event (high speed solar wind stream), on October 14, the scintillations are inhibited over the whole Africa. The available data allow the full explanation of the observations of October 14, indeed, on this day, there is no post sunset increase of the virtual height h'F2 at Ascension Island. There is no Pre Reversal Enhancement (PRE) of the eastward electric field; it is this electric field which moves up the F layer, the necessary condition for the existence of scintillation. The analysis of the variations of the Earth's magnetic field at low latitudes highlights the presence of the ionospheric disturbance dynamo on October 14, which produces a decrease of the Equatorial Electrojet, several hours after the impact of the high speed solar wind. The disturbance dynamo electric field (DDEF) is westward during the day and till after sunset and turns eastward around 22.30LT. So, on October 14, the westward DDEF inhibits the eastward regular electric field.
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hal-01302418 , version 1 (14-04-2016)



Ilyasse Azzouzi, Y. Migoya-Orué, Christine Amory-Mazaudier, Rolland Fleury, S.M. Radicella, et al.. Signatures of solar event at middle and low latitudes in the Europe-African sector, during geomagnetic storms, October 2013. Advances in Space Research, 2015, 56 (9), pp.2040-2055. ⟨10.1016/j.asr.2015.06.010⟩. ⟨hal-01302418⟩
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