Article Dans Une Revue Physical Review Letters Année : 2012

Magic Radio-Frequency Dressing of Nuclear Spins in High-Accuracy Optical Clocks


A Zeeman-insensitive optical clock atomic transition is engineered when nuclear spins are dressed by a nonresonant radio-frequency field. For fermionic species as Sr87, Yb171, and Hg199, particular ratios between the radio-frequency driving amplitude and frequency lead to “magic” magnetic values where a net cancelation of the Zeeman clock shift and a complete reduction of first-order magnetic variations are produced within a relative uncertainty below the 10−18 level. An Autler-Townes continued fraction describing a semiclassical radio-frequency dressed spin is numerically computed and compared to an analytical quantum description including higher-order magnetic field corrections to the dressed energies.
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hal-01329708 , version 1 (30-08-2022)



Thomas Zanon-Willette, Emeric de Clercq, Ennio Arimondo. Magic Radio-Frequency Dressing of Nuclear Spins in High-Accuracy Optical Clocks. Physical Review Letters, 2012, 109 (22), pp.223003. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.223003⟩. ⟨hal-01329708⟩
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