Rapport (Rapport Technique) Année : 2016

An MPTCP Option for Network-Assisted MPTCP Deployments: Plain Transport Mode


Because of the lack of Multipath TCP (MPTCP) support at the server side, some service providers now consider a network-assisted model that relies upon the activation of a dedicated function called MPTCP concentrator. This document focuses on a deployment scheme where the identity of the MPTCP concentrator(s) is explicitly configured on connected hosts. This document specifies an MPTCP option that is used to avoid the encapsulation of packets and out-of-band signaling between the CPE and the MPTCP concentrator. Also, this document specifies how UDP traffic, in particular, can be distributed among available paths by leveraging MPTCP capabilities.
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Dates et versions

hal-01354734 , version 1 (19-08-2016)


  • HAL Id : hal-01354734 , version 1


Mohamed Boucadair, Christian Jacquenet, Denis Behaghel, Stefano Secci, Wim Henderickx, et al.. An MPTCP Option for Network-Assisted MPTCP Deployments: Plain Transport Mode. [Technical Report] draft-boucadair-mptcp-plain-mode-07, IETF. 2016, draft-boucadair-mptcp-plain-mode-07. ⟨hal-01354734⟩
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