Article Dans Une Revue Reliable Computing Journal Année : 2017

MPDI: A Decimal Multiple-Precision Interval Arithmetic Library


We describe the mechanisms and implementation of a library that defines a decimal multiple-precision interval arithmetic. The aim of such a library is to provide guaranteed and accurate results in decimal. This library contains correctly rounded (for decimal arbitrary precision), fast and reliable basic operations and some elementary functions. Furthermore the decimal representation is IEEE 754-2008 compatible, and the interval arithmetic is compliant with the new IEEE 1788-2015 Standard for Interval Arithmetic [2].
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hal-01451162 , version 1 (08-02-2017)


  • HAL Id : hal-01451162 , version 1


Stef Graillat, Clothilde Jeangoudoux, Christoph Lauter. MPDI: A Decimal Multiple-Precision Interval Arithmetic Library. Reliable Computing Journal, 2017, Volume 25 (Special volume containing refereed papers from SCAN 2016), 25, pp.38-52. ⟨hal-01451162⟩
595 Consultations
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