Article Dans Une Revue IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management Année : 2017

ParaCon: A Parallel Control Plane for Scaling Up Path Computation in SDN

Xin Wang
Stefano Secci


—The fundamental tasks of the control plane in Software Defined Networking (SDN) are to customize forwarding policies for the data plane and to provide global network view for applications. The logically centralized design of control plane brings the benefit of network programmability and promises to ease network management. However, it also increases efficiency concerns for large-scale networks. In this paper, our goal is to build a high-performance SDN control plane using multiple controllers. Previous work seeks to improve control plane efficiency by balancing only the load for data plane behaviors among multiple controllers. Deviating from conventional wisdom, we propose the design and implementation of ParaCon, which resorts to parallel computing to speed up the path computation in SDN control plane. We also address the consistency problem and synchronization overhead under the design. To the best of our knowledge, ParaCon is the first attempt that utilizes node parallelism in path computation for SDN control plane. We experimented ParaCon using both Mininet and real-world clusters. Our results show that the path computing time of ParaCon is able to achieve speedup of 10x over POX baseline implementation in a 300-node network with 20 controllers.

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hal-01478162 , version 1 (27-02-2017)
hal-01478162 , version 2 (12-10-2017)



Kun Qiu, Siyuan Huang, Qiongwen Xu, Jin Zhao, Xin Wang, et al.. ParaCon: A Parallel Control Plane for Scaling Up Path Computation in SDN. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2017, 14 (4), pp.978-990. ⟨10.1109/TNSM.2017.2761777⟩. ⟨hal-01478162v2⟩
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