Article Dans Une Revue Applied Clay Science Année : 2016

Modeling the transport of water and ionic tracers in a micrometric clay sample


Brownian dynamics simulations were performed to examine the self-diusion of cationic (Na +), anionic (Cl −), and water tracers in a saturated compacted clay at the micrometric scale. Clay minerals particles, representing stacks of montmorillonite layers, are modeled as cylindrical platelets with characteristics that depend on the dry bulk density of the porous medium, ρ b. The tracers are allowed to diuse between the platelets with their diffusion coef ficient in bulk aqueous solution as well as inside the platelets with a diusion coef ficient that depends on the hydration level of the interlayer pores as determined from experiments or molecular dynamics simulations. The probability for a tracer to enter a platelet is related to its charge as predicted by the Poisson-Boltzmann equation. The apparent diusion coef ficients are calculated as a function of ρ b for various salinities and compared with the values obtained from tracer diusion experiments available in the literature. Despite the simplicity of the clay model, the simulations predict most features of the experimental data and keep the door open for further improvements.
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hal-01484130 , version 1 (06-12-2018)



Pauline Bacle,, Jean-François Dufrêche, Benjamin Rotenberg, Ian C. Bourg, Virginie Marry. Modeling the transport of water and ionic tracers in a micrometric clay sample. Applied Clay Science, 2016, 123, pp.18--28. ⟨10.1016/j.clay.2015.12.014⟩. ⟨hal-01484130⟩
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