Article Dans Une Revue Magnetohydrodynamics c/c of Magnitnaia Gidrodinamika Année : 2013

Structural probing of clusters and gels of self-aggregated magnetic nanoparticles


The microstructure of home-made aqueous magnetic fluids based on maghemite (γ−Fe2O3) and cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4) nanoparticles is monitored from repulsive on the average towards attractive on the average by tuning the interparticle electrostatic repulsion through modulations of ionic strength and pH. A self-aggregation leading to sols of individual clusters and/or a thixotropic gel phase is induced. Their microstructure under finely controlled physico-chemical conditions is probed in zero field by Small Angle X-ray Scattering and Ultra-Small Angle Neutron Scattering.
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hal-01488055 , version 1 (09-04-2024)



Bruno Frka-Petesic, Emmanuelle Dubois, Laszlo Almasy, Vincent Dupuis, Fabrice Cousin, et al.. Structural probing of clusters and gels of self-aggregated magnetic nanoparticles. Magnetohydrodynamics c/c of Magnitnaia Gidrodinamika, 2013, 49 (3/4), pp.328-338. ⟨10.22364/mhd.49.3-4.15⟩. ⟨hal-01488055⟩
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