Article Dans Une Revue Physical Review Fluids Année : 2017

Jet dynamics post drop impact on a deep pool


We investigate experimentally the jet formed by the collapse of a cavity created by the impact of a drop on a pool of the same aqueous liquid. We show that jets can emerge with very different shapes and velocities, depending on the impact parameters, thus generating droplets with various initial sizes and velocities. After presenting the jet velocity and top drop radius variation as a function of the impact parameters, we discuss the influence of the liquid parameters on the jet velocity. This allows us to define two different regimes: the singular jet and the cavity jet regimes, where the mechanisms leading to the cavity retraction and subsequent jet dynamics are drastically different. In particular, we demonstrate that in the first regime, a singular capillary wave collapse sparks the whole jet dynamics, making the jet's fast, thin, liquid parameters dependent and barely reproducible. On the contrary, in the cavity jet regime, defined for higher impact Froude numbers, the jets are fat and slow. We show that jet velocity is simply proportional to the capillary velocity √ (γ/ρ l D d) , where γ is the liquid surface tension, ρ l the liquid density, and D d the impacting drop diameter, and it is in particular independent of viscosity, impact velocity, and gravity, even though the cavity is larger than the capillary length. Finally, we demonstrate that capillary wave collapse and cavity retraction are correlated in the singular regime and decorrelated in the cavity jet regime.
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hal-01501497 , version 1 (07-04-2017)



Guy-Jean Michon, Christophe Josserand, Thomas Séon. Jet dynamics post drop impact on a deep pool. Physical Review Fluids, 2017, 2 (2), pp.023601. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevFluids.2.023601⟩. ⟨hal-01501497⟩
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