Article Dans Une Revue Physical Review Letters Année : 2017

Buckling of an elastic ridge: competition between wrinkles and creases


We investigate the elastic buckling of a triangular prism made of a soft elastomer. A face of the prism is bonded to a stiff slab that imposes an average axial compression. We observe two possible buckling modes which are localized along the free ridge. For ridge angles $\phi$ below a critical value $\phi^\star\approx 90^\circ$ experiments reveal an extended sinusoidal mode, while for $\phi$ above $\phi^\star$ we observe a series of creases progressively invading the lateral faces starting from the ridge. A numerical linear stability analysis is set up using the finite-element method and correctly predicts the sinusoidal mode for $\phi \leq \phi^\star$, as well as the associated critical strain $\epsilon_{\mathrm{c}}(\phi)$. The experimental transition at $\phi^\star$ is found to occur when this critical strain $\epsilon_{\mathrm{c}}(\phi)$ attains the value $\epsilon_{\mathrm{c}}(\phi^\star) = 0.44$ corresponding to the threshold of the sub-critical surface creasing instability. Previous analyses have focused on elastic crease patterns appearing on planar surfaces, where the role of scale-invariance has been emphasized; our analysis of the elastic ridge provides a different perspective, and reveals that scale-invariance is not a sufficient condition for localization.
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hal-01502711 , version 1 (06-04-2017)



Claire Lestringant, Corrado Maurini, Arnaud Lazarus, Basile Audoly. Buckling of an elastic ridge: competition between wrinkles and creases. Physical Review Letters, 2017, 118, pp.165501 ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.165501⟩. ⟨hal-01502711⟩
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