Communication Dans Un Congrès Année : 2017

Can MPTCP Secure Internet Communications from Man-in-the-Middle Attacks?

Ho-Dac-Duy Nguyen
  • Fonction : Auteur
Chi-Dung Phung
Stefano Secci


Multipath communications at the Internet scale have been a myth for a long time, with no actual protocol being deployed so that multiple paths could be taken by a same connection on the way towards an Internet destination. Recently, the Multipath Transport Control Protocol (MPTCP) extension was standardized and is undergoing a quick adoption in many use-cases, from mobile to fixed access networks, from data-centers to core networks. Among its major benefits – i.e., reliability thanks to backup path rerouting; throughput increase thanks to link aggregation; and confidentiality thanks to harder capacity to intercept a full connection – the latter has attracted lower attention. How interesting would it be using MPTCP to exploit multiple Internet-scale paths hence decreasing the probability of man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks is a question to which we try to answer. By analyzing the Autonomous System (AS) level graph, we identify which countries and regions show a higher level of robustness against MITM AS-level attacks, for example due to core cable tapping or route hijacking practices.
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hal-01504379 , version 1 (10-04-2017)
hal-01504379 , version 2 (24-04-2017)



Ho-Dac-Duy Nguyen, Chi-Dung Phung, Stefano Secci, Benevid Felix, Michele Nogueira. Can MPTCP Secure Internet Communications from Man-in-the-Middle Attacks?. 2017 Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM 2017), Nov 2017, Tokyo, Japan. ⟨10.23919/CNSM.2017.8255970⟩. ⟨hal-01504379v2⟩
375 Consultations
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