Communication Dans Un Congrès Année : 2017

Wavelet-Based Analysis of 60 GHz Doppler Radar for Non-stationary Vital Sign Monitoring


We propose here a Doppler-radar implementation at 60 GHz for contactless monitoring of vital signs (respiration and heartbeat). In order to provide a real-time detection of non-stationary vital signs and critical events, an estimation technique is here used by means of a wavelet transform of the received signals. Moreover, the amplitudes of the relevant vital movements can be deduced by the wavelet transform so as to distinguish the useful signal from noises and non-desired movements.
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hal-01511484 , version 1 (03-09-2019)


  • HAL Id : hal-01511484 , version 1


Ting Zhang, Guido Valerio, Julien Sarrazin, Mircea Dan Istrate. Wavelet-Based Analysis of 60 GHz Doppler Radar for Non-stationary Vital Sign Monitoring. Conference EuCAP 2017, Mar 2017, Paris, France. ⟨hal-01511484⟩
81 Consultations
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