Article Dans Une Revue Fitoterapia Année : 2019

Hirtellina lobelii DC. essential oil, its constituents, its combination with antimicrobial drugs and its mode of action


With the goal of unravelling antimicrobial agents and mixtures inspired by plant defences, we investigated the antibacterial and antifungal efficacy of Hirtellina lobelii DC. essential oil (EO), both alone and in combination with antimicrobial drugs. Hirtellina lobelii DC. EO was analysed by GC, GC–MS and partial fractionation/NMR. It was essentially composed of oxygenated sesquiterpenes (75.2%), with α-bisabolol (34.5%), fokienol (12.0%) and T-muurolol (6.8%) serving as the main components. Microbial susceptibility was determined by the broth microdilution method and was expressed as minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal or fungicidal concentration (MBC or MFC). This EO was found to possess remarkable bactericidal (MBC/MIC = 2) and fungicidal (MFC/MIC = 1–4) potential, particularly against the Gram (+) bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, including its methicillin-resistant forms, the yeast Cryptococcus neoformans and dermatophytes from the genus Trichophyton (MICs 8–128 μg/ml). The examination of the combined effects of the EO with antimicrobial drugs revealed synergisms of the EO with vancomycin against S. aureus and of the EO with fluconazole and griseofulvin against dermatophytic fungi (FICI 0.2–0.5). The effect of H. lobelii EO on the morphologies of fungal hyphae and bacteria, as determined by scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), showed fungal hyphae swelling and bulging. These results suggest that H. lobelii EO and its major constituent, α-bisabolol, have remarkable antimicrobial potential. Combination therapies of this EO with antifungal drugs could offer a promising alternative for treatment of human mycoses caused by filamentous dermatophytic fungi.
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hal-02168388 , version 1 (28-06-2019)



Madona Khoury, Marc El Beyrouth, Naïm Ouaini, Véronique Eparvier, Didier Stien. Hirtellina lobelii DC. essential oil, its constituents, its combination with antimicrobial drugs and its mode of action. Fitoterapia, 2019, 133, pp.130-136. ⟨10.1016/j.fitote.2019.01.001⟩. ⟨hal-02168388⟩
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