Article Dans Une Revue Atmosphere Année : 2020

Impact of Lightning NOx Emissions on Atmospheric Composition and Meteorology in Africa and Europe


NOxemissions from lightning have been added to the CHIMERE v2020r1 model usinga parameterization based on convective clouds. In order to estimate the impact of these emissionson pollutant concentrations, two simulations, using the online coupled WRF-CHIMERE modelswith and without NOxemissions from lightning, have been carried out over the months of July andAugust 2013 and over a large area covering Europe and the northern part of Africa. The results showthat these emissions modify the pollutant concentrations as well as the meteorology. The changes aremost significant where the strongest emissions are located. Adding these emissions improves AerosolOptical Depth in Africa but has a limited impact on the surface concentrations of pollutants in Europe.For the two-month average we find that the maximum changes are localized and may reach±0.5 Kfor 2 m temperature,±0.5 m s−1for 10 m wind speed, 10 W m−2for short wave radiation surfaceflux, and 50 and 2μg m−3for dust and sea salt surface concentrations, respectively. This leads tomaximum changes of 1μg m−3for surface concentrations of PM2.5.

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hal-03011625 , version 1 (18-11-2020)



Laurent Menut, Bertrand Bessagnet, Sylvain Mailler, Romain Pennel, Guillaume Siour. Impact of Lightning NOx Emissions on Atmospheric Composition and Meteorology in Africa and Europe. Atmosphere, 2020, 11 (10), pp.1128. ⟨10.3390/atmos11101128⟩. ⟨hal-03011625⟩
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