Article Dans Une Revue Coup de théâtre Année : 2019

The "devenir-French" of the Play: Contemporary British Theatre in France and in French


I will concentrate on the contemporary British plays that have recently been staged in France and in French and, while focusing on the reasons behind the French stage directors’ choices, I will try to elucidate what intrinsic qualities of this imported theatre are revealed when it is appropriated by French directors. Finally, I will consider the extra amount-of-being granted to the original by the ‘devenir-French’ of the play.


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hal-03377572 , version 1 (14-10-2021)


  • HAL Id : hal-03377572 , version 1


Elisabeth Angel-Perez. The "devenir-French" of the Play: Contemporary British Theatre in France and in French. Coup de théâtre, 2019, Crossing Borders, HS5. ⟨hal-03377572⟩
44 Consultations
133 Téléchargements

