Article Dans Une Revue Journal of British Studies Année : 2021

Timothy Bowman, William Butler and Michael Wheatley. The Disparity of Sacrifice: Irish Recruitment to the British Armed Forces, 1914-1918. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2020. Pp. 312. $120.00 (cloth).


In The Disparity of Sacrifice, drawing on archives in England, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, and on hitherto unsolicited daily newspapers, Timothy Bowman, William Butler, and Michael Whatley seek to determine whether the Great War united Ireland with Great Britain or if the century-long bitterness between the two islands and the question of Home Rule cemented ongoing divisions in Britain’s hour of need. They deserve praise for offering what is the first comprehensive book-length study of recruiting during the Great War and for their equal-handed debunking of both nationalist and unionist myths. Arguing against Catriona Pennell’s vision of a “kingdom united”, outlined in A Kingdom United: Popular Responses to the Outbreak of the First World War in Britain and Ireland (2012) and in disagreement with David Fitzpatrick’s idea of “collective sacrifice” (“The Logic of Collective Sacrifice: Ireland and the British Army, 1914-1918”, Historical Journal 38, no. 4 [1995]: 1017-30), they persuasively show that throughout the entire duration of the conflict, the United Kingdom was in actual fact a kingdom divided.


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Emmanuel Destenay. Timothy Bowman, William Butler and Michael Wheatley. The Disparity of Sacrifice: Irish Recruitment to the British Armed Forces, 1914-1918. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2020. Pp. 312. $120.00 (cloth).. Journal of British Studies, 2021, 60 (2), pp.478-479. ⟨10.1017/jbr.2020.230⟩. ⟨hal-03416231⟩
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