Article Dans Une Revue Cancer/Radiothérapie Année : 2022

Rectal cancer radiotherapy


We present the updated recommendations of the French society of oncological radiotherapy for rectal cancer radiotherapy. The standard treatment for locally advanced rectal cancer consists in chemoradiotherapy followed by radical surgery with total mesorectal resection and adjuvant chemotherapy according to nodal status. Although this strategy efficiently reduced local recurrences rates below 5% in expert centres, functional sequelae could not be avoided resulting in 20 to 30% morbidity rates. The early introduction of neoadjuvant chemotherapy has proven beneficial in recent trials, in terms of recurrence free and metastasis free survivals. Complete pathological responses were obtained in 15% of tumours treated by chemoradiation, even reaching up to 30% of tumours when neoadjuvant chemotherapy is associated to chemoradiotherapy. These good results question the relevance of systematic radical surgery in good responders. Personalized therapeutic strategies are now possible by improved imaging modalities with circumferential margin assessed by magnetic resonance imaging, by intensity modulated radiotherapy and by refining surgical techniques, and contribute to morbidity reduction. Keeping the same objectives, ongoing trials are now evaluating therapeutic de-escalation strategies, in particular rectal preservation for good responders after neoadjuvant treatment, or radiotherapy omission in selected cases (Greccar 12, Opera, Norad).


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Dates et versions

hal-03767688 , version 1 (16-02-2023)



V. Vendrely, E. Rivin del Campo, A. Modesto, M. Jolnerowski, N. Meillan, et al.. Rectal cancer radiotherapy. Cancer/Radiothérapie, 2022, 26 (1-2), pp.272-278. ⟨10.1016/j.canrad.2021.11.002⟩. ⟨hal-03767688⟩
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