A family of natural equilibrium measures for Sinai billiard flows
The Sinai billiard flow on the two-torus, i.e., the periodic Lorentz gaz, is a continuous flow, but it is not everywhere differentiable. Assuming finite horizon, we relate the equilibrium states of the flow with those of the Sinai billiard map $T$ -- which is a discontinuous map. We propose a definition for the topological pressure $P_*(T,g)$ associated to a potential $g$. We prove that for any piecewise H\"older potential $g$ satisfying a mild assumption, $P_*(T,g)$ is equal to the definitions of Bowen using spanning or separating sets. We give sufficient conditions under which a potential gives rise to equilibrium states for the Sinai billiard map. We prove that in this case the equilibrium state $\mu_g$ is unique, Bernoulli, adapted and gives positive measure to all nonempty open sets. For this, we make use of a well chosen transfer operator acting on anisotropic Banach spaces, and construct the measure by pairing its maximal eigenvectors. Last, we prove that the flow invariant probability measure $\bar \mu_g$, obtained by taking the product of $\mu_g$ with the Lebesgue measure along orbits, is Bernoulli and flow adapted. We give examples of billiard tables for which there exists an open set of potentials satisfying those sufficient conditions.