Article Dans Une Revue Revue française de civilisation britannique Année : 2015

The NHS at the Heart of the Election Campaign

Louise Dalingwater


The 2015 general election in the UK saw the emergence of the health service and its future as one of the key points on the election battleground. This is because the NHS was flagged as one of the key issues of public concern. This is not just because of a commitment to the NHS but also the recognition of the pressures and strains on the public health service, widely publicised in both the popular and the quality press. The main issues of debate in the run up to the election were funding, stealth privatisation of health services, quality of health services and governance issues
Le système de santé britannique au coeur de la campagne LOUISE DALINGWATER Résumés English Français The 2015 general election in the UK saw the emergence of the health service and its future as one of the key points on the election battleground. This is because the NHS was flagged as one of the key issues of public concern. This is not just because of a commitment to the NHS but also the recognition of the pressures and strains on the public health service, widely publicised in both the popular and the quality press. The main issues of debate in the run up to the election were funding, stealth privatisation of health services, quality of health services and governance issues. Les élections législatives de 2015 au Royaume-Uni ont vu l'émergence des services de santé et l'avenir du système de soins (National Health Service ou NHS) comme l'un des points clés d'affrontement de la campagne électorale. En effet, le NHS est l'un des principaux sujets de préoccupation publique, non seulement en raison de la popularité du système de santé publique, mais aussi en raison des menaces et incertitudes qui pèsent sur le système et qui ont été amplement médiatisées. Les principaux enjeux dans la course à l'élection furent le financement, la privatisation furtive des services de santé, la qualité des services de soins et les questions de gouvernance.
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hal-03862498 , version 1 (21-11-2022)



  • HAL Id : hal-03862498 , version 1


Louise Dalingwater. The NHS at the Heart of the Election Campaign. Revue française de civilisation britannique, 2015. ⟨hal-03862498⟩
13 Consultations
14 Téléchargements

