Article Dans Une Revue Rheumatology Année : 2022

Development of an Environmental Contextual Factor Item Set Relevant to Global Functioning and Health in Patients with Axial Spondyloarthritis

Uta Kiltz
  • Fonction : Auteur
Wilson Bautista-Molano
  • Fonction : Auteur
Ruben Burgos Vargas
  • Fonction : Auteur
Praveena Chiowchanwisawakit
  • Fonction : Auteur
Bassel El-Zorkany
  • Fonction : Auteur
Inna Gaydukova
  • Fonction : Auteur
Pál Géher
  • Fonction : Auteur
Michele Gilio
  • Fonction : Auteur
Simeon Grazio
  • Fonction : Auteur
Jieruo Gu
  • Fonction : Auteur
Muhammad Asim Khan
  • Fonction : Auteur
Tae-Jong Kim
  • Fonction : Auteur
Walter P Maksymowych
  • Fonction : Auteur
Salih Ozgocmen
  • Fonction : Auteur
Dimos Patrikos
  • Fonction : Auteur
Michael Schirmer
  • Fonction : Auteur
Filip van Den Bosch
  • Fonction : Auteur
Ulrich Weber
  • Fonction : Auteur
Juergen Braun
  • Fonction : Auteur


Abstract Objective To describe the development of an Environmental contextual factors (EF) Item Set (EFIS) accompanying the disease specific Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society Health Index (ASAS HI). Method First, a candidate item pool was developed by linking items from existing questionnaires to 13 EF previously selected for the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) /ASAS Core Set. Second, using data from two international surveys, which contained the EF item pool as well as the items from the ASAS HI, the number of EF items was reduced based on the correlation between the item and the ASAS HI sum score combined with expert opinion. Third, the final English EFIS was translated into 15 languages and cross-culturally validated. Results The initial item pool contained 53 EF addressing four ICF EF chapters: products and technology (e1), support and relationship (e3), attitudes (e4) and health services (e5). Based on 1754 responses of axial spondyloarthritis patients in an international survey, 44 of 53 initial items were removed based on low correlations to the ASAS HI or redundancy combined with expert opinion. Nine items of the initial item pool (range correlation 0.21\textendash 0.49) form the final EFIS. The EFIS was translated into 15 languages and field tested in 24 countries. Conclusions An EFIS is available complementing the ASAS HI and helps to interpret the ASAS HI results by gaining an understanding of the interaction between a health condition and contextual factors. The EFIS emphasizes the importance of support and relationships, as well as attitudes of the patient and health services in relation to self-reported health.
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hal-03894174 , version 1 (30-01-2023)



Uta Kiltz, Annelies Boonen, Désirée van Der Heijde, Wilson Bautista-Molano, Ruben Burgos Vargas, et al.. Development of an Environmental Contextual Factor Item Set Relevant to Global Functioning and Health in Patients with Axial Spondyloarthritis. Rheumatology, 2022, 61 (5), pp.2054--2062. ⟨10.1093/rheumatology/keab653⟩. ⟨hal-03894174⟩
24 Consultations
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