Seeing people arouses me, contemplating nature sooths me: varying levels of positive emotions and arousal depending on video contents and immersion.
In the field of positive emotion induction through immersive technologies, virtual nature has been predominantly employed because of its relaxing and resources restoration properties. Although understudied, social video contents may also be relevant in this context, as they can lead to heightened positive emotions and arousal. Thus, the present study aimed at comparing natural (non-social) and social video contents’ effect on positive emotion induction. 26 undergraduate students watched and rated 360° videos of both contents under a Head-mounted display (HMD) and on a screen, while their skin conductance and heart rate were collected. Main results showed that participant experienced social videos as more positive and arousing compared to natural ones. The physiological measures varied according to the type of stimuli (natural vs social content) only while viewing videos in the HMD condition. The processes underlying arousal variations as a function of stimuli’s social nature and immersion remain to be discussed.