Communication Dans Un Congrès Année : 2018

Amphiphilic coatings deposited by catalyst free PECVD reactor for biological applications


Drug delivery systems (DDS) are intensively studied and developed for their application in the medical treatment of various diseases. By controlling the drug release around a treatment area over a prolonged period of time it is possible to precisely maintain locally the drug concentration within a therapeutic window and avoid overdoses as well as a sub-therapeutic concentration of the drug. Present research work is devoted to developing plasma methods to deposit functional coatings on collagen membranes by plasma processing to fabricate multi-layered DDS. Biocompatible collagen membranes were used as substrates. ε-caprolactone and diethylene glycol dimethyl ether were used as precursors to achieve amphiphilic PCL:PEG films [1]. To fabricate DDS, the first layer was a dense barrier layer (200 nm) deposited in a low pressure capacitively coupled plasma reactor (CCP, 13.56 MHz, 25 W, 0.5 mbar). The second layer was a carboplatin drug, dried from an aqueous solution on the surface of the barrier layer with a drug load of 200 μg/cm2. The third layer was a dense barrier layer deposited at the same conditions as the first layer, to form “sandwich” like structure of DDS. The last top layer was deposited in soft plasmas at atmospheric pressure plasma (18 kHz, 2W, in order to preserve the desired chemical moieties of the precursor). In this paper it will be shown that the compatibility of the mechanical properties of the biocompatible collagen substrate and that of the first dense barrier layer deposited on top of it plays an important role in the drug delivery kinetics of the drug determined by ICPMS. Furthermore the use of low pressure and atmospheric pressure plasmas for the fabrication of DDS will be discussed. Can dense and crosslinked barrier films be fabricated entirely by DBD discharges for DDS? To respond to this question the refractive index of the deposited films in optimized conditions of energy deposit in both CCP and DBD were compared by ellipsometry. Human ovarian carcinoma cell line (NIH:OVCAR-3) was used for in vitro measurements of cell interactions with the surface of fabricated DDS. Proposed model of DDS on collagen films prevents migration, adhesion and growth of cancer cells on its surface, and by tuning the thickness of the dense barrier films it is possible to control drug release kinetics and improve the therapeutic effect. In vivo experiments were carried out where mice lymph nodes were injected with OVCAR3 cells and after development of a tumour DDS membranes were implanted to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed model. Keywords: pulsed plasma enhanced CVD, PCL-PEG copolymerization,drug delivery system, DBD [1] S. Bhatt, F. Valamanesh, J. Pulpytel, R. Lo Dico, A. Baitukha, I. Al-Dybiat, M. Pocard, F. Arefi- Khonsari, M. Mirshahi, Oncotarget, 7, 36, 2016.


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Dates et versions

hal-03977211 , version 1 (07-02-2023)


  • HAL Id : hal-03977211 , version 1


Alibi Baitukha, I. Aldybiat, Azadeh Valinataj Omran, Massoud Mirshahi, Jérôme Pulpytel, et al.. Amphiphilic coatings deposited by catalyst free PECVD reactor for biological applications. 7th International Conference on Plasmas Medicine (ICPM7), Jun 2018, Philadelphia, United States. ⟨hal-03977211⟩
13 Consultations
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