Article Dans Une Revue Pismo Année : 2021

Neologisms as designations of certain professions in French - gender differences

Neologizmi kao nazivi pojedinih profesija u francuskom jeziku - rodne različitosti

Aleksandar Stefanovic


In the present work, the author analyses the situation in modern French when it comes to the designations of professions in the feminine gender. He notes that some professions get their forms faster and easier in the feminine gender, while in some other professions it is very difficult. For the linguists whose fields of research focus on gender difference, the inconsistency is due to the difference in the ranking of professions. That means that it is more difficult for professions of higher rank to get a designation in the feminine gender. The paper presents the discussions on the issue that have attracted attention in France, as well as the influence of the media on usage. However it turns out that the French Academy has a key role in this evolution.
U ovom radu nastojimo da pokažemo stanje u savremenom francuskom jeziku kada su u pitanju nazivi profesija u ženskom rodu. Istraživanje je pokazalo da pojedine profesije brže i lakše dobijaju svoje oblike imenica u ženskom rodu, dok kod nekih drugih profesija to ide veoma teško. Kako smo ustanovili, nedoslednost nastaje zbog razlike u rangiranju profesija, što će reći da profesije višeg ranga teže dobijaju naziv u ženskom rodu. Rad pokazuje nekolike rasprave na ovu temu koje su u Francuskoj privukle pažnju, kao i uticaj medija na uzus. Ipak, kako se na kraju pokazuje, odnosno kako smatra većina lingvista u Francuskoj u ovoj evoluciji ključnu ulogu ima Francuska Akademija nauka.
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hal-03995671 , version 1 (18-02-2023)


  • HAL Id : hal-03995671 , version 1


Aleksandar Stefanovic. Neologizmi kao nazivi pojedinih profesija u francuskom jeziku - rodne različitosti. Pismo , 2021, 17, pp.28-42. ⟨hal-03995671⟩
31 Consultations
99 Téléchargements

